Oct. 2024, our family found out we were expecting...unexpectantly. A love story from Paradiso!

Breeding our stunningly handsome Dante the Great and ever beautiful Queen Beatrice was always our goal. In late summer of 2024, we weathered Bea's first heat cycle successfully, but fate intervened just a few months later. While in Mexico in October, we were surprised to get word that "you know what" was happening AGAIN! Seems it's possible for Rhodies to have more than one heat cycle a year.

Long ago there were red roses in winter for Mexico. But this winter, it would be 11 little yellow ones blooming in Texas. And so, Yellow Rose Ridgebacks was born!

Now, our love for this historic breed is ready to share with you. From our family to yours: the best dogs EVER!

Wait until you meet your new puppy!!

We also have some heartfelt thanks to share. From in-person training, to online courses and hours of YouTube viewing, we couldn't have done this without help from the following:

If you are looking for an excellent dog trainer, you'll find the best at Savvy Dogs Training.
Savanah Hagenbeck has a board-in program that is exceptional.
She's awesome with dogs and that even includes 'about to pop' pregnant dogs!
You can find her at: https://www.savvydogstraining.com/

For online courses, look to Will Atherton.
You can find his courses at https://willathertonacademy.com/
This includes The Perfect Puppy Course and The Raw Food Masterclass.
Will also has great free content at https://www.youtube.com/@willathttps://willathertonacademy.com/

For whelping help, Standing Stone Kennel has wonderfully laid out litter advice, week-by-week, here: https://www.youtube.com/@StandingStoneKennels

To officially register your new pup go to https://www.akc.org/. The American Kennel Club website is also very helpful with lots of great information about the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed. And be assured that if needed, the customer service by phone call is an actual live, helpful person.